




Reply to Cannot edit/add bank info in App Store Connect
I confirm the issue. This sum of information should be at the Developer Account level. Then, payment methods should be open to modification, addition or removal. App Store specific payment methods should be added by proposing to mirror any of the bank accounts detailed in the Developer Account if any exists (simple users would never see this option), or to create a local one for the App Store specifically. Incidentally, it should then be possible to upgrade (displace) an App Store account to the Developer Account level.
May ’21
Reply to xcode organizer uploading app stuck at 100%
Same here, app around 50 Mb for mobile, twice because of universal support (armv7 and 64), + Bitcode & Symbols which will inevitably increase the file's size (an addition on which Xcode remains totally mute so you don't even know what to expect in terms of true total size!). The Upload bar was filled almost instantly and then it's stuck in "full blue mode". If it keeps failing, a test on Transporter will be necessary. The java process - seen in Activity Monitor/ Network is the only one to be sending and receiving data. Xcode needs an UPDATE because the UI is certainly not reflecting the proper state of the upload process. Also, more "power user" informations would be greatly appreciated too such as the estimation of the package's full size to come with each option ticked, overseeing of every single packet and their relative failures to go up, etc.
May ’21